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Groundwater regulation: The ins and outs

- Analysis
The New York Times article on water conservation in California’s Pajaro Valley, which I discussed in a previous column, is worth more discussion

Groundwater issues highlight bigger problems

- Analysis
The New York Times is no doubt aiming for a Pulitzer with its multi-article series on groundwater use in America.

USDA encourages Central Valley growers to apply for water conservation assistance

- General News
Central Valley growers are encouraged to apply for WaterSMART program funding through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Groundwater lawsuit leads to carrot boycott

- Analysis
A struggle over water rights has led to a carrot boycott in California’s Cuyama Valley north of Santa Barbara. The cause of contention is groundwater rights.

California gets a new reservoir

- Analysis
California has just seen a first for nearly 50 years: plans to begin construction of a new reservoir that, when completed, will add 1.5 million acre-feet to the state’s water storage capacities per year.

Tensions rise over Rio Grande water

- Analysis
U.S. and Mexico tensions are rising because of the latter’s failure to fulfill a treaty for sending water to the Rio Grande Valley.

Groundwater grievances

- Analysis
The New York Times has run some features this week on groundwater depletion in the United States. Their central message is undeniable.

EPA issues new, and final, WOTUS rules

- Analysis
Debates about exactly what constitute “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) for regulatory purposes will probably never end, and maybe they shouldn’t.

Brighter water outlook in Salinas

- Analysis
The California water picture has gotten enormous amounts of attention from both the agricultural press and the general media, but most of this has focused on the San Joaquin Valley and the Yuma Valley on the Arizona border. The Salinas Valley, the “nation’s salad bowl,” has water issues of its own, but they are very different.

Storing California’s water in the ground

- Analysis
Groundwater depletion has been an acknowledged fact in California for decades, but for a long time it was stuffed into a thick file labeled “Something Somebody Oughta Do Something About Sometime.”