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Six ways to relieve supply chain pain: No.5 – Diversify Resources

- Produce Blueprints
Putting all your proverbial eggs (or fruits and vegetables) in one basket is a risky proposition. A wide range of problems can jeopardize product flows originating from a single grower or region.

Six ways to relieve supply chain pain: No.4 – Appreciate Frontliners

- Produce Blueprints
If we learned anything during the early days of the pandemic, it’s that supply chain team members are essential workers. Frontline staff working in the fields, packing plants, and warehouses perform critical tasks and provide the capability to keep up with demand.

Six ways to relieve supply chain pain: No.3 Safeguard Supplies

- Produce Blueprints
When faced with a crisis, organizations focus on the big issues that impact supply chain success—labor, transportation, key suppliers, and major customers. Yet we learned over the last two years that the little things often matter the most.

Six ways to relieve supply chain pain: No.2 Leverage Data

- Produce Blueprints
There’s so much talk about the abundance of data, analytics, and digitalization that it’s difficult to imagine that many companies lack the business intelligence to make sound supply chain decisions—yet that’s the reality for some organizations.

Six ways to relieve supply chain pain: No.1 Embrace Contract Flexibility

- Produce Blueprints
Significant disruptions have become more commonplace as companies struggle to maintain consistent product flows and to control operating costs.

Western Growers innovation center helps improve cold chain efficiency for Del Monte

- General News
Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology (WGCIT) recently assisted Inteligistics, a WGCIT partner, in the evaluation of Inteligistics’ InteliCool system at Fresh Del Monte facilities in Salinas, CA and Yuma, AZ.

Technology key to improving transportation, Hwy Haul CEO says

- General News
There are so many things working against the supply chain that good times seem far away.

Georgia’s supply chain: a state of emergency

- General News
Georgia is the first state to respond to current supply difficulties in this way, although members of the California congressional delegation urged a similar measure on Governor Gavin Newsom in November.

Inteligistics offers high-tech digital solutions for supply chain efficiency

- General News
Inteligistics has been working quietly to bring Silicon Valley cloud-powered and paperless scientific technology to support supply chain performance, productivity and sustainability for some of the leading growers and shippers in the Salinas Valley and elsewhere.

Stater Bros. Markets reduces out-of-stocks with ReposiTrak

- Retail
Stater Bros. Markets, a Southern California supermarket chain known for its excellence in food and service, is taking additional steps to ensure that the products customers want are available when they need them, Stater Bros. turned to ReposiTrak to help reduce out-of-stocks, particularly in the direct store delivery (DSD) categories which were the most problematic.