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New product winners and losers: Know your core business

- Produce Blueprints
Sometimes a new product innovation can be too far out of a company’s wheelhouse.

Stemilt first tree fruit company to achieve EFI certification

- General News
Stemilt received new Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) certifications in August to become the first apple, pear, and cherry company to achieve EFI certification of its entire operation.

Stemilt kicks off SweeTango apple season

- General News
Stemilt is kicking off the SweeTango apple season this week with harvest in central Washington.

Stemilt eyes start for Rushing Rivers summer pears

- General News
The dog days of summer are fading in the distance, and that signals the start of Stemilt’s new pear crop and the arrival of summer varieties.

Stemilt brings nostalgia to Rave apple campaign

- General News
Rave brand MN55 cultivar apples are back in season and with that not only comes high-quality, outrageously juicy apples, but another exciting consumer-facing digital campaign designed to help consumers win gold.

Stemilt Artisan Organics Stone Fruit season going strong

- General News
Stemilt’s Artisan Organics peach and nectarine season continues to thrive through these hot summer months with excellent quality and “some of the best flavor” to date, states Brianna Shales, Stemilt marketing director.

Stemilt shifts to A Half Mile Closer to the Moon cherries in August

- General News
Stemilt’s A Half Mile Closer to the Moon cherries are set to make their grand return in August.

Stemilt’s Artisan Organics stone fruit in season

- General News
It’s time to get those napkins out because Stemilt’s Artisan Organics peaches and nectarines are now in season.

Stemilt kicks off stone fruit season with Artisan Organic Apricots

- General News
Stemilt’s stone fruit season officially kicked off this week with its first run of Artisan Organics apricots.

Stemilt’s Fast Facts shows Rave apple’s impact

- General News
Summer fruit season is in full swing, but Stemilt is looking ahead to early August and a quick start to the new apple season with the return of Rave brand MN55 cultivar apples.