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Spotting Financial Statement Fraud: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

- Produce Blueprints
Corporate fraud comes in many forms. Asset misappropriation, such as embezzlement and theft, and corruption in the form of taking bribes and payoffs, are the two most widely known.

Bust-Outs: Fraud in the produce industry

- Analysis
Acts of fraud are in every industry, even produce. But you can protect your business.

The importance of reporting fraud

- Produce Blueprints
There’s no getting around it: being swindled is humiliating. But don’t let the humiliation stop you from reporting fraud.

Defending yourself against fraud

- Produce Blueprints
What’s the best way to protect a business from fraud?

Fraud: Spotting the impostors

- Produce Blueprints
How do you spot a fraudulent business?

The many flavors of fraud

- Produce Blueprints
Fraud comes in many sizes, flavors, and colors.

How to spot a fraudulent business

- Produce Blueprints
Fraud is alive and well in the world of commerce, and in the fresh produce industry. But is it rising or falling?