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DAT Truckload Volume Index: Gap between spot and contract rates narrows in December

- General News
Spot truckload rates rose in December and the gap between spot and contract van rates closed to its narrowest point since March 2022 when prices to move truckload freight were near all-time highs, said DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the DAT One online freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

DAT Truckload Volume Index: Freight volumes close strong in November

- General News
A post-Thanksgiving surge in truckload freight volumes made for a solid November overall compared to previous years, reported DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the DAT One online freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.

DAT Truckload Volume Index: Volumes cooled in September

- General News
Truckload freight volumes cooled in September, compounding an already difficult quarter for truckload carriers and freight brokers, said DAT Freight & Analytics, which operates the industry’s largest online freight marketplace and DAT iQ data analytics service.