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IFPA’s Foundation for Fresh Produce names 2024 board

- General News
IFPA’s Foundation for Fresh Produce has announced the new 2024 Board members and thanked those who are retiring from their service to the organization.

Produce stars in Best Diet rankings 

- Analysis
This week, U.S. News & World Report released its 2024 rankings of Best Diets, and fruits and vegetables emerge as the star.

When vegetables get caught up in politics

- Analysis
“There’s only one thing men’s rights activists hate more than women, minorities, and using preferred pronouns, and that’s ingesting anything besides red meat,” writes The Onion. It “asked right-wing men why they refuse to eat vegetables, and this is what they said.”

FFP wins award for family meals efforts

- General News
The Foundation for Fresh Produce won a Gold Plate Award from the FMI Foundation for its efforts in promoting family meals

Nutritional well-being across the states

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Health Reporter has released its state-by-state ranking of nutritional well-being across the United States.

Lessons of a Michigan billboard

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At the beginning of April, the town of Bridgman, MI, in the southwestern part of the state, on the shores of Lake Michigan, is sleepily waking up for the tourist season.

A reason to buy less produce

- Analysis
Horse breeder Muriel Bing makes it sound exotic: “It is normal to enjoy strolling through the isles of the supermarket.” Her comment is in response to a recent Internet article reminding us that “grocery shopping doesn’t have to suck” and she probably meant “aisles.”

Looking Ahead to 2023: Increasing consumption

- Produce Blueprints
Much attention has been given to how to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. It’s not a new problem but a recurring issue, despite the efforts of many.

The ‘just don’t feel like it’ factor

- Analysis
My colleague Pamela Riemenschneider is understandably excited about her new pair of Nikes featuring dragonfruit. But then I think back on my own experience with dragonfruit.

Juice Plus+: produce, though not exactly fresh

- Analysis
Juice Plus+ is a product composed of capsules of highly concentrated fruit and vegetable powder. Since you just swallow them with water, like any other capsules, flavor is irrelevant.