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Chile celebrates National Cherry Month

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Did you know that February is National Cherry Month? With numerous ongoing promotions, the Frutas de Chile Cherry Committee is giving shoppers many reasons to celebrate.

Chilean stone fruit forecast for 15% volume increase

- General News
The Frutas de Chile Stone Fruit Committee has released a new estimate for this season, including Nectarines, Japanese Plums, European Plums, and Peaches.

ASOEX first 2023-24 forecast shows new varieties to account for 63% of Chile’s table grape exports

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The Table Grape Committee of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) has released its first estimate for the 2023-24 season, projecting five percent growth in exports.

Chilean Kiwifruit Committee launches 2023 marketing campaign

- General News
With more than 8,000 tons shipped to North America through Week 20, the Chilean Kiwifruit season is underway.

Chilean cherry exports to U.S. 58% ahead of last year

- International
Chile has shipped 58% more volume to the U.S. compared to the same time last year, and Chilean Cherry promotions have been in full swing since late December.

ASOEX latest forecast for Chilean grape exports shows slight increase

- General News
The Table Grape Committee of ASOEX (Chilean Fruit Exporters Association) has released its fourth export forecast for the 2022/23 season.

Chilean Blueberry Committee’s first forecast shows drop from last season

- General News
The Chilean Blueberry Committee, together with the consulting firm iQonsulting, have estimated a volume of 98,228 tons of fresh blueberries from Chile for the 2022-2023 season.

Chile doubles cherry volume to the U.S. this winter

- General News
Chilean cherry exports to the U.S. have doubled this season, and the Chilean Cherry Committee will continue to run both consumer and retail programs through February to drive awareness and sales.

Chile expects larger, longer cherry season

- General News
Chile projects that cherry exports to the U.S. will see substantial growth in 2021/22, and for the first time, the season will run more than 12 weeks, from November through February. The Chilean Cherry Committee estimates that nearly 13,000 tons will be shipped to the U.S. market during the 2021/22 season.

Chilean kiwifruit season in full swing

- General News
With season export projections of 145,000 tons, Chile has shipped 76% of this (110,624 tons of kiwifruit worldwide) through Week 29.