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ProduceIQ: Holiday prices burn bright for fresh produce

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We can’t guarantee 2023 will end on a high note, but we can predict it will be an expensive finale for produce buyers.

ProduceIQ: Pre-turkey season produce markets mellow

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While we were washing away our last few memories of COVID restrictions at IFPA, Hurricane Norma made landfall on the Southern tip of Baja California, Mexico, as a Category 1 storm and then again in Sinaloa as a tropical storm. Rain from the tropical system will impact growers in North and Central Mexico.

ProduceIQ: Cauliflower markets begin steep hike

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Active tropics are still plaguing fresh produce supply chains. Hurricane Lidia made landfall as a powerful Category 4 Hurricane off the Southwestern Coast of Mexico last week and was closely followed by Tropical Storm Max.

ProduceIQ: Hurricane Lee watch, as prices remain high

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Hurricane Lee, a powerful storm, is on the Atlantic horizon. Forecasters are still uncertain if the storm will stay offshore. Though not expected to impact major harvesting regions in the Southeast, this powerful major hurricane is worth watching for potential impacts in the Northeastern U.S. 

Broccoli, cauliflower prices rising with lighter volume

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Broccoli markets are rising as supplies decrease in the primary growing regions of Salinas and Santa Maria, California.

Broccoli, cauliflower markets to remain tight into May 

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Broccoli and cauliflower markets will be a struggle the next week or two for various reasons, including a normal transition and abnormal weather. 

ProduceIQ: Prices rise again in anticipation of Western supply challenges

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Up for the third week, overall produce prices are still technically following typical week #14 trends. Although, the storms that drenched California and filled the Sierras with snow will likely unfold as higher-than-normal produce prices over the next few months.

ProduceIQ: With Salinas transition behind schedule, growers work to extend harvest

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The annual transition northward from areas such as Brawley, CA, back to Salinas, CA, is behind schedule. Growers in the South will attempt to prevent a gap in production by extending the harvest.

Bob Evans mashed cauliflower wins 2023 ‘Product of the Year’ award

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Bob Evans Farms, Inc., producer of America's #1 selling refrigerated side dishes, is pleased to announce that Bob Evans Mashed Cauliflower has been recognized as a winner of the 2023 Product of the Year USA Awards.

ProduceIQ: Average prices follow seasonal trend

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Happy Monday, if you’re feeling worn out after yesterday’s big game festivities, count your blessings. At least you’re not an Eagles fan. Industry-wide prices continue to decline as Mexican supply peaks during this time of year.