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Melissa’s offers Tasmanian cherries this winter

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Melissa's brings sunshine in cherries hailing from a 150-year-old family farm nestled in the pristine paradise of Tasmania

Oppy cultivates citrus from Down Under

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Oppy is strengthening its international presence by forging new relationships with Australian citrus growers.

One Harvest deploys SmartWash Solutions across Australia

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One Harvest, Australia’s leading leafy greens and fresh-cut produce supplier, announced installation of SmartWash Solutions’ comprehensive food safety program throughout their Australian operations.

AgroFresh Solutions partners with Australian fruit grower

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AgroFresh Solutions, Inc., a global leader in produce freshness solutions, today announced that Montague, one of Australia's largest fruit growers, will utilize FreshCloud Quality Inspection to drive a comprehensive transformation of its entire quality system and decision-making for the management of fresh produce.